In Palm Springs California, there is a POWER DYNAMIC DISCUSSION GROUP,
This group of men are all interested in Power Dynamics and have monthly meetings to discuss in a safe forum where like minded men can discuss their experiences and viewpoints.
You do not need to be experienced to be in this group, in fact it is encouraged that you consider enquiring with the moderator of the group, if you are questioning whether POWER DYNAMICS is how you are wired, AND ARE LOCATED in Palm Springs, California.
Note that this is an "in-person" group not an internet based resource, so it is really only valuable if you are in Palm Springs, California.
I include therefore the link to this website below for you to visit and review, should you be in Palm Springs, California. I am a member of that group, and attend when I am in town.
it is important to demystify POWER EXCHANGE, and encourage those whose wiring brings them to a POWER EXCHANGE dynamic to become informed, knowledgeable and comfortable. This discussion group offers that opportunity.